Sunday, 14 September 2014

Term 3 Week 8 News

On Tuesday Leah came to perform a dance and to lead a workshop. We all really enjoyed the session and learnt some new dance moves and terms. On Thursday we worked in threes to write a recount of the workshop. Here's a couple of pieces from the recounts (the full recounts are on the classroom wall):

Guess what happened on Tuesday! Leah came to our school to perform a dance in front of Room 5 and room 6. Then it was our turn to dance. We helped to create a dance. Leah told us to think of five things to do. Leah said to make it into a dance sentence. Then we worked with a buddy to perform to the rest of the class. 
By Ashleigh, James and Sophie

One exciting sunny morning Leah came to dance with us. Leah did a solo. Then we had to get involved. First we had to do a warm up so we wouldn’t get injured. We did the banana, the prune, the lion face and the lemon face. When Leah said banana we jumped and said banana in a loud voice. When Leah said lion we put out our claws and said roar!
By Alex, Hamish and Zach

Leah performing
Ephrem, Asher and Maria practising

Joshua, Ryan and Nicholas performing
Uriel and Zach performing

Isabella and Maria - seaweed
Alex and Callum - seaweed

On Thursday we attended a Maths Expo. We worked in groups to solve different maths challenges. Our favorite challenge was Pack It, which involved packing eight shapes into a box. Some of the other activities were:  race monkeys down a ladder, count footsteps around a map, work out how may logs the truck could carry without being overweight and build a bridge.


Pack Up

The week's homework certificate was awarded to James. Ka pai, James, keep up the good work.

Looking ahead to Week 9:
Tennis lessons on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - please bring sports shoes and (girls) shorts to change into.
No Assembly on Friday. Ukulele lesson on Friday.
Fair collection: toiletries 

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