Monday, 13 October 2014

Term 4 Week 1

Welcome back to the last term for 2014. It was great to see everyone today and to catch up on the holidays. Sounds like it was a good break.

Yesterday Alex had his 8th birthday. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished him all the best for the coming year.

Over the holidays we had a little bit of Mathletics success. Congratulations to Elspeth who received her first Silver Mathletics certificate.

Congratulations, too, to Joshua (18th in the World) and George (4th in NZ, 24th in the World) who both made the Top Students Board.

Term 4 will be busy with a number of things happening. Unfortunately the first event on our calendar has had to be cancelled. We will not be having  our Run, Jump, Throw Display as the newly sown grass cannot be used for at least four weeks and there is not enough room left to fit in all the events.
We have planned a visit to the Botanic Gardens for Week 3. A notice and an email about this will be sent home soon.
Our end of year production, which is on Monday 15 December, will take up a lot of time this term. Auditions begin tomorrow. Every Year 3 will have a speaking part, written especially for them. The children are well prepared for this with the plays they have performed during the year.
The fair is not long away now. Room 5 is responsible for the book stall. Please let me know if you can help either on the day (Sunday 9 November) or in the lead up. There are boxes outside Room 5 for books, as well as for clothes and toys. Any donations are most welcome. A fair notice will be coming home soon. How are you getting on with selling raffle tickets? Let me know if you'd like more. We will be collecting grocery items soon.

With the warmer weather comes some health concerns. Everyone needs to wear a school sunhat at break times. Please ensure your child's hat is clearly named so that the children can easily keep track of their hat. Sun screen is provided, thanks to the Parent Council, and children can use this before they go outside. Each child is expected to bring a water bottle into the classroom each day so that they can get a drink when they need one. Thank you for your support with these things.

If you have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to come in and chat.

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