Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Principal's Awards

Today Joe and James each received a Principal's Award for their handwriting. Ka pai, boys, we are proud of you.

Yesterday the children wrote stories about their pets. Here's a few:

Goldie is a fish. She likes to swim around her bowl. She's called Goldie because she is as gold as a golden statue in a jewellery shop. When she eats her food she looks like a puffer fish! She has light blue eyes like the bright sparkly ocean. She is always swimming around her bowl like an old man with a walking stick walking around the city. She is two years old. So she is a great pet to have. Isabella

My guinea pig's name is Jacksy. He got bitten on the ear when he was a baby. He has a two storey house. He runs very fast. He is twelve months old. He likes carrots. He is easy to hold. I love Jacksy very much. Asher

My dog loves visitors. He also licks them. My dog's name is Chip. Chip sometimes licks me once I am in bed. His colour is dark grey with some white. He can shake hands. Chip can dance. Alex

I have a pet cat. Her name is Sylvia. She is as soft as a cloud. She is sparkly as lemonade because she has got lots of fire. Sophie

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