Saturday, 30 August 2014

Term 3 Week 6

Today Lachlan received a certificate in assembly. 
Ka wani kei, Lachlan, we are proud of you.

Nicholas received the Homework certificate. Ka pai, Nicholas, you are writing great sentences.

Aysha received her first Silver Mathletics Certificate. Ka rawe, Aysha, keep up the good work.

The Fantail Reading Group presented the play 'Where's My Keys'. They were amazing, speaking clearly and using fantastic expression. 
Well done to Ephrem, Nicholas, Joe, Peter and George.

Please bring a jam jar and some pantyhose to school as soon as possible. We need 26 jars and pantyhose so if you have extra please send them along. 

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Room 5 Update

Addison does Tae Kwon Do. Last week she had a grading assessment, in which she was successful. She now wears a yellow belt. Congratulations Addison.

We have been learning about Symmetry. We have made butterflies to show Reflection and drawn a path to show Translation. Today we made windmills to show Rotation. Although parts of this exercise were tricky we all showed perseverance and managed to complete our windmills. 


This morning Bridie's Mum, Bridgette, helped the Kakapo Reading Group to bake a Happy Cake. We all had a small slice to finish our day. Thanks, Bridgette, we really appreciated having you help us bake - the cake was yummy.

Addison, Bridie and Elspeth
Isabella and Aysha

The Happy Cake

Notes for Friday: 
Mufti Day - please wear something suitable for playing hockey as we have another session tomorrow afternoon.
Assembly will be at 12md in the hall.

We need jars and pantyhose for our topic. Please send these to school as soon as possible.

Monday, 25 August 2014

Term 3 Week 6 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Callum.
Ka wani kei, Callum, it's great to have you in Room 5.

Last week 21 people achieved a Mathletics certificate. This is an amazing result. Congratulations to:
Sophie for gaining her first Bronze certificate,

Hamish, Ryan and Alex (who was absent today) for being the top three Mathletes,

and Lachlan for being named Mathlete of the Week. 

This week is NZ Maths Challenge Week on Mathletics. It would be great if everyone could get a certificate.

Congratulations to Neave (hockey) and Joe (soccer) who were named 'Player of the Day' after their Saturday games; and Bridie who received numerous medals and ribbons at her dancing competition in Waimate.

Notes for Week 6:
Fair collection items - gourmet foods
Wednesday - ukulele lesson
Friday - Mufti day

Friday, 22 August 2014

Term 3 Week 5

Today Ryan received a certificate in assembly. 
Ka wani kei, Ryan, we are proud of you.

Ollie received the Homework certificate. Well done, Ollie, keep writing your interesting sentences.

In our topic we have been learning about fruit and vegetables. We know that a fruit has seeds inside and grows on trees or bushes and a vegetable does not have seeds inside and grows under the ground. We found out that pumpkin, tomatoes and corn are fruit even though we eat them as vegetables. Check out our Pic Collage showing how we sorted the fruit and vegetables. 


We had our last hockey session this afternoon. We have enjoyed learning hockey skills and some of us are talking about playing hockey for winter sport at school.

Monday, 18 August 2014

Term 3 Week 5 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Joe.
Ka wani kei, Joe, it's great to have you in Room 5.

After his Saturday rugby game Hamish was named 'Player of the Day'. Ka pai, Hamish.

This morning we found out that we were the class with the second most chocolate collected for the school fair. We each received a lollipop as a reward. Thank you for your support. We have a week off before we start collecting gourmet foods. 

Please remember that Friday's school assembly will start at 11:30am.

Friday, 15 August 2014

Term 3 Week 4

This week's homework certificate went to Elspeth. Ka pai, Elspeth, your sentences were great.

Yesterday the Fantail and Kakapo Reading Groups presented 'Androcles and the Lion' as a Readers Theatre. They did a great job.

Joe, Nicholas, George, Aysha, Ephrem, Addison, Bridie, Isabella, Elspeth and Peter

Our topic is Growing Plants. On Wednesday we planted alpha alpha seeds in cotton wool. Some of us think that the seeds will grow but the rest of us are not expecting them to grow because we think that they need soil, not cotton wool, to give them nutrients. We check them each day, but as yet there are no signs of any roots appearing.



We have started thinking about what we'd like to find out during this topic and have formulated some questions. Next week we will finalize our questions and then start researching for answers.

Monday, 11 August 2014

Term 3 Week 4 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Ephrem.
Ka wani kei, Ephrem, it's great to have you in Room 5.

On Saturday Peter received the Player of the Day award for his rugby team. Ka pai, Peter.

Notes for Week 4:
Wednesday: Ukulele lessons. 
Friday: Assumption Day - as this is a Holy Day of Obligation the school will be attending the 9am Mass in the church. Parents are welcome to attend mass as well. Children will be sitting with their class.
Hockey: Please bring sports shoes and (girls) shorts to change into.

Spelling and Basic Facts have been sent home to learn. Thank you for your support with this homework as well as with reading and the Religious Education homework.

Friday, 8 August 2014

Term 3 Week 3

This morning Bridie received a certificate at assembly.
Ka wani kei, Bridie, we are proud of you.

Connie received this week's homework certificate. Ka pai, Connie, keep up the good work.

The Fantail Reading Group read the book 'The Impossible Bridge' then they spent the week researching and making their own bridge. They decided to make a suspension bridge. Today they presented a report on the process they went through in completing their bridge. They also showed that they are connected, actively involved learners. Well done, Fantail Group.

Ephrem, Peter, George, Joe and Nicholas with their bridge

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Principal's Award

Today Isabella received a Principal's Award for her pet story.
Ka pai, Isabella, you are an amazing author. (See previous posting for Isabella's story).

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Principal's Awards

Today Joe and James each received a Principal's Award for their handwriting. Ka pai, boys, we are proud of you.

Yesterday the children wrote stories about their pets. Here's a few:

Goldie is a fish. She likes to swim around her bowl. She's called Goldie because she is as gold as a golden statue in a jewellery shop. When she eats her food she looks like a puffer fish! She has light blue eyes like the bright sparkly ocean. She is always swimming around her bowl like an old man with a walking stick walking around the city. She is two years old. So she is a great pet to have. Isabella

My guinea pig's name is Jacksy. He got bitten on the ear when he was a baby. He has a two storey house. He runs very fast. He is twelve months old. He likes carrots. He is easy to hold. I love Jacksy very much. Asher

My dog loves visitors. He also licks them. My dog's name is Chip. Chip sometimes licks me once I am in bed. His colour is dark grey with some white. He can shake hands. Chip can dance. Alex

I have a pet cat. Her name is Sylvia. She is as soft as a cloud. She is sparkly as lemonade because she has got lots of fire. Sophie

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Term 3 Week 3 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is James.
Ka wani kei, James, it's great to have you in Room 5.

Ollie received the 'Player of the Day' for his rugby team. Ka pai, Ollie.

Friday, 1 August 2014

Term 3 Week 2

At today's assembly Nicholas was awarded a certificate.
Ka wani kei, Nicholas, we are proud of you.

This week's homework certificate was presented to Joe. Ka pai, Joe, your spelling sentences meet all the criteria.

This afternoon we had a hockey session with Shon and the Room 8 Year 4s. For some of us this was our first ever hockey game. It was lots of fun and we are looking forward to our next session on Friday.

Elspeth, Neave, Addison and Aysha
(Denver), Peter, (Isaac), Uriel and Maria