Monday, 16 June 2014

Term 2 Week 7 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Sophie.
Ka pai, Sophie, it's great to have you in Room 5.

Today we presented Mathletics certificates to the top three for Week 6. Congratulations to: Joe, Nicholas and Connie

Nicholas was also named 'Mathlete of the Week'. Ka pai to everyone who achieved a certificate. Keep up the good work.

On Saturday Bridie went to Ashburton to compete in a dancing competition. She won two medals and three ribbons. Well done, Bridie.

With the weather being cold and unpredictable it is important for children to wear or bring their polar fleeces to school. Some children have not been bringing their polar fleeces and as a consequence have been feeling the cold at morning tea and lunch times. Unless it is raining the children play outside during breaks so need to put their fleeces on to keep warm. Thank you for your support with this matter. If your child wishes to wear a beanie you can purchase a CtK one at the office.

Today a Basic Facts (addition and subtraction) list went home in the back of the spelling book. These are to be learnt for a test next Monday. You can help by calling out the problem and having your child write the answer, as this is how they will be tested. If you have any questions, please ask. Spelling continues as usual.

The FIFA World Cup is underway. Room 5 has been assigned Columbia and France to support. On the last day of the term (Friday 4 July) the children may wear our countries' colours (yellow, red and blue or blue, white and red). More details will follow in Week 9. Meanwhile we were delighted by Columbia's win over Greece this morning.

Our Fairy Tales theme continues. Come in to view our Story Book Title pages - they are amazing.

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