Monday, 30 June 2014

Term 2 Week 9 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Connie.
Congratulations, Connie, it's great to have you in Room 5.


 Today we presented Mathletics certificates to the top three for Week 8. Congratulations to: Connie, Addison and Joe.
Isabella was named 'Mathlete of the Week'
Ka pai to everyone who gained a Mathletics certificate last week.

Saturday produced mixed success on the sporting fields, with some wins and losses and a draw. Three Room 5 children received 'Player of the Day' awards. Congratulations to: George (rugby),  Nicholas (soccer) and Neave (hockey).

Notes for the week:
Please bring your recorders everyday so that we can practise our songs. Keep practising at home too.
Student Led Conferences - Tuesday and Wednesday. Please bring your reports.
Friday - Room 5 will be leading the School Assembly. 12md start in the school hall. All welcome.
Friday - We can wear our FIFA World Cup countries' flag colours - France: blue, white and red; or Columbia: blue, red and yellow. There is no cost. 
There is no spelling or Basic Facts homework this week. Keep reading and using the Mathletics website.

Friday, 27 June 2014

Term 2 Week 8

At today's assembly Uriel received a certificate.
Ka pai, Uriel, we are proud of you.

Addison received the homework certificate. Congratulations on writing great sentences this week Addison.

Looking ahead to next week - the last week of Term 2:
Please bring your recorders to school everyday so that we can practise our songs.
Monday: Library and buddy reading. Children will be able to have a library book for the holidays, but they do need to return one before another can be issued.
Tuesday and Wednesday: Student Led Conferences 4-6pm. We are all excited about sharing our learning with our families. The children have worked very hard this year and have a lot to be proud of.
Friday: Room 5 will be leading the school assembly, which starts at 12md in the school hall. You are all welcome to attend.
We can also dress in our FIFA World Cup team colours - France (blue, white and red) and Columbia (yellow, blue and red). There is no donation required for this.

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Silver Mathletics Certificate

This morning Asher was presented with his first Silver Mathletics certificate. Ka pai, Asher, keep up the good work.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Term 2 Week 8 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Joshua.
Ka pai Joshua, it's great to have you in Room 5.

Two people received their first Silver Mathletics certificate this morning. Congratulations Ryan and Connie.

This afternoon the Kakapo Reading Group presented a play, The Three Billy Goats Gruff, to our Room 12 buddies (and Room 5). Well done Nicholas, George, Joe, Ephrem and Peter, you were awesome!

Some important notes:
*Student Led Conferences are happening next Tuesday and Wednesday (1st and 2nd July). Book online at School Interviews and enter the event code HPHDF.
*On Wednesday the children will need their recorders.

Friday, 20 June 2014

Term 2 Week 7

At today's school assembly Hamish received a certificate.
Ka pai, Hamish, we are proud of you.

This week's Homework Certificate was awarded to Isabella. Her sentences were great and met all the criteria.

This morning we worked in groups to do some Problem Solving. We had to use the clues to find the picture. Here we are showing how we are connected, actively-involved learners.



Student Led Conferences (for 23 Room 5 children) are being held on Tuesday 1 July and Wednesday 2 July. To book your conference go to School Interviews and enter the event code HPHDF. Reports will be sent home with your child on Friday 27 June.

Have a great weekend and enjoy your get together on Saturday.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014


Today Connie turned 7. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished her all the best as a 7 year old.

Monday, 16 June 2014

Term 2 Week 7 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Sophie.
Ka pai, Sophie, it's great to have you in Room 5.

Today we presented Mathletics certificates to the top three for Week 6. Congratulations to: Joe, Nicholas and Connie

Nicholas was also named 'Mathlete of the Week'. Ka pai to everyone who achieved a certificate. Keep up the good work.

On Saturday Bridie went to Ashburton to compete in a dancing competition. She won two medals and three ribbons. Well done, Bridie.

With the weather being cold and unpredictable it is important for children to wear or bring their polar fleeces to school. Some children have not been bringing their polar fleeces and as a consequence have been feeling the cold at morning tea and lunch times. Unless it is raining the children play outside during breaks so need to put their fleeces on to keep warm. Thank you for your support with this matter. If your child wishes to wear a beanie you can purchase a CtK one at the office.

Today a Basic Facts (addition and subtraction) list went home in the back of the spelling book. These are to be learnt for a test next Monday. You can help by calling out the problem and having your child write the answer, as this is how they will be tested. If you have any questions, please ask. Spelling continues as usual.

The FIFA World Cup is underway. Room 5 has been assigned Columbia and France to support. On the last day of the term (Friday 4 July) the children may wear our countries' colours (yellow, red and blue or blue, white and red). More details will follow in Week 9. Meanwhile we were delighted by Columbia's win over Greece this morning.

Our Fairy Tales theme continues. Come in to view our Story Book Title pages - they are amazing.

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Term 2 Week 6

At the school assembly George received a certificate.
Ka pai, George, we are proud of you.

Aysha, who is one of the Year 3 reps on the School Student Council, was presented with her Student Council badge.

At Discovery Time Maria spent most of the session creating her Fairy Tale character. Maria, the teachers were impressed with your creativity and perseverance. You have done a superb job.

Connie was presented with her first Bronze Mathletics certificate, which she earned in May. Another admin glitch saw this presentation delayed. Congratulations, Connie.

This week's homework certificate was awarded to Uriel. Ka pai, Uriel, keep the standard going.
If you are unsure what is expected for spelling homework, ask your child (we have talked about this in class) or check out the May 16 posting or come into the classroom and ask me.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Mathletics Certificate

In February Elspeth gained her first Bronze Mathletics certificate, but due to an admin error (mine) she has only just been presented with it. Congratulations Elspeth, and thanks for your patience while waiting for your certificate.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Mathletics Certificate

Congratulations to Ephrem on gaining his first Silver Mathletics certificate. Keep up the good work.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Happy Birthday

Today Uriel turned 8. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished her all the best as an 8 year old.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Term 2 Week 6 'Star of the Week' and Student Council Rep

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Ollie.
Ka pai, Ollie, it's great to have you in Room 5.

This morning we congratulated the following people:

 Neave, who received the Homework Award for Week 5. Well done, Neave, keep up your good work.

Lachlan, who received 'Player of the Day' for his hockey game on Saturday. 
And Aysha who is the Year 3 girl representative on the School Student Council. We know you will do a great job representing the Junior School.

Friday, 6 June 2014

Term 2 Week 5

At this morning's school assembly Alex received a certificate.
Ka pai, Alex, kei te whaha hihi ahau o kotou, we are proud of you.

This week Callum gained his first Silver Mathletics certificate. Ka pai, Callum, keep working hard at Mathletics.

Over the last two weeks we have been working on plays. We have been using our voices to show our characters rather than relying on props. This morning we visited Room 3 and presented our work to them. All our plays were a variation on the fairy tale, The Three Little Pigs. Everyone did a superb job and Room 3 were able to tell us who each character was. Thank you to Room 3, who were a fantastic audience. 

Connie, Ashleigh, Zach, Addison, Bridie, Isabella, Sophie, Elspeth and Neave
Peter, James, Ephrem, Ollie, George and Nicholas
Maria, Aysha, Hamish, Joshua and Uriel
Alex, Lachlan, Callum, Ryan and Joe

This afternoon we wrote a poem about Little Red Riding Hood. Here it is: 

The Girl in Red
By Room 5

Little Red Riding Hood
Travelled through the wood
To see her sick Grandma.
Her Mother said, “Don’t dawdle on the way!”
But Little Red Riding Hood did not obey.
She stumbled upon a wolf
Who tricked her with a greedy smile
And sent her around the long way.
Then he sprinted to Grandma’s door.
In a flash he burst through and gobbled
Grandma up.
Little Red Riding Hood arrived with her basket
of goodies.
She was in for a surprise!

Everyone finished the poem on their own - check out your child's poetry book for their version. 
Next week we will be writing our own fairy tale.

Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Term 2 Week 5 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Lachlan.
Ka pai, Lachlan, it's great to have you in Room 5.

Today we caught up on our weekend news:
Asher had his 8th birthday on Sunday. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished Asher all the best for the coming year.

Elspeth and Connie competed in the Christchurch Marathon. Both ran well and received medals. Ka rawe girls.

Lachlan was awarded two ribbons for his puppy training competition. Ka rawe Lachlan.

It's always great to hear about and celebrate the children's successes outside the classroom. Please feel free to email any results and/or photos so we can share them I can put them on the blog. 

Spelling was sent home today. Please encourage your child to write quality sentences (we have talked about this in class) for each of their spelling words. Last week very few children went on Mathletics and only 5 achieved a certificate. Mathletics is a great and fun way to reinforce concepts learnt in class, especially Basic Facts. I am hoping to be able to award our Mathlete of the Week trophy next week - we need at least 13 certificates though.