At this week's assembly Ephrem was presented with a certificate.
Ka pai, Ephrem, we are proud of you.
Nicholas received the Homework Award for his spelling sentences. Well done, Nicholas, keep up the good work.
On Friday five members of the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra came to share some music with us. Peter was chosen to blow the reed of a clarinet. After a few puffs Peter managed to make a sound. He was very pleased with his efforts - maybe he is a clarinetist in the making.
Here's some of our thoughts about this visit:
Today we saw the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra. It was fun. I felt very happy because I like listening to music. It felt like I was in a dream. I really liked the harp. Sometimes it was loud, sometimes it was quiet. Sometimes it was soft, sometimes it was fast. By Aysha
Today we saw some people. One had a harp, one had a flute, one had a violin and there was a person with a violin but it was a big violin (a cello). By Maria
Today I watched the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra with their instruments. I was amazed. I liked when they played The Simpsons because it was funny. It was a little bit loud. I have never seen a violin that was so small. By Ryan
Thank you to everyone who attended the Junior School Mass this morning. The children were well behaved and those who greeted, read, prayed and did the data projector should be proud of how well they performed their roles. Thanks Joe, Addison, Elspeth, George and Peter.
This week we are swimming at Wharenui Pool. Half of Room 5 will leave school at 9am with Room 3 and the other half will leave at 9:30am with Room 6. I will be traveling with the second group. If you have any questions about swimming, please just ask me.
Swim week is great but it does change our routines so this week we will be reading plays instead of group reading (children are still expected to choose a book from their browsing boxes to bring home to read each night) and we will not have spelling homework. Again, if you have any questions or concerns please come in and talk to me.
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