This morning Maria received a certificate at the school assembly.
Ka pai, Maria, we are proud of you.
This week has been a bit different with swimming each day. Everyone has coped very well with the change in routine and I am very proud of they way they all Stepped Up for Success. The children's behaviour was superb. A special THANK YOU to all parents who were able to help us, your support ensures the success of swim week.
We did manage a little bit of reading and writing and now have our first retelling of a fairy tale, The Three Little Pigs, on the wall for you to enjoy. Come in on Tuesday and check it out! Here's a preview:
first little pig made a house out of straw. After he finished he was playing in
his garden. He knew the big bad wolf would come but he thought that the wolf
wouldn’t have a trick up his sleeve. Alex
first little pig saw a man carrying straw.“Hey,”
the pig said, “May I have some of your hay?”The
man said, “Yes.” The
pig was proud and happy with his house. Uriel
The wolf huffed and puffed and blew the house down. Then the pig got eaten. Ollie
The wolf fell into the pot that the pig put there. The pig laughed at him. The
pig quickly shut the pot and never saw the wolf again. Callum
Next week will again be a bit different with Queen's Birthday on Monday - hopefully a sleep-in for all. We will be back into our routine, including spelling homework. Please keep up the reading over the long weekend, and have a look at Mathletics as well.
Safe travels to those on the move.