Monday, 24 March 2014

Term 1 Week 8 'Star of the Week' and Other News

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Nicholas.
Ka pai, Nicholas, it's great to have you in Room 5.


During the weekend Bridie competed in a Highland Dancing competition. She received three certificates and two medals. Ashleigh competed in a horse show. She won four ribbons. Congratulations Bridie and Ashleigh - well done on your successes.

Ashleigh with her horse Impy.

Our top three Mathletes for Week 7 are Aysha, Ephrem and Neave
Ephrem was also named Mathlele of the Week.
Ka pai to everyone who received a Bronze Mathletics certificate.

Notes for this week:
Tuesday: Run, Jump, Throw - our last session with Anita. Please bring sports shoes to change into. girls will need shorts.
Wednesday: Parent Council Fish and Chip tea - 5pm in the school grounds.
Friday: Room 5 will attend the 9am Mass. Please be at school before 8:45am so that the roll can be taken and then everyone can be seated in church before 9am. Thank you.
      : Mufti Day please bring an item of chocolate for the Parent Council Easter raffle.


  1. So proud of my Aysha..Daddy.....

  2. good work Neave from Sophie
