Monday, 31 March 2014

Term 1 Week 9 'Star of the Week' and Other News

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Elspeth.
Ka pai, Elspeth, it's great to have you in Room 5.

The top three Mathletes for Week 8 are Isabella, Addie and Peter.
Addie also made the NZ Top 100 Students list and received the Mathlete of the week trophy.
Well done everyone who got a Bronze Certificate last week.

Ryan received a Principal's Award for his story about his pet. Congratulations, Ryan, your story is very entertaining. 
I've got a pet fish at my home. His name is Sam. I've named him Sam because I think Sam's name is cool. His hobby is eating. I wish to touch my fish but if I touch my fish he would be scared. He is a bit fat because his hobby is eating. Imagine if I had a pet cat. He would try to eat my fish, Sam.

Term 1 Week 8 Assembly Certificate

At Friday's school assembly Connie received a certificate.
Ka pai, Connie, we are proud of you.

Room 5 are great readers. They all enjoy silent reading each morning after morning tea.


Thursday, 27 March 2014

Athletics Stars

Last night Elspeth and Connie attended their Athletics Club prize giving. They were each awarded a medal and a certificate and Elspeth also received a trophy. Congratulations, girls, you are great athletes.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Term 1 Week 8 'Star of the Week' and Other News

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Nicholas.
Ka pai, Nicholas, it's great to have you in Room 5.


During the weekend Bridie competed in a Highland Dancing competition. She received three certificates and two medals. Ashleigh competed in a horse show. She won four ribbons. Congratulations Bridie and Ashleigh - well done on your successes.

Ashleigh with her horse Impy.

Our top three Mathletes for Week 7 are Aysha, Ephrem and Neave
Ephrem was also named Mathlele of the Week.
Ka pai to everyone who received a Bronze Mathletics certificate.

Notes for this week:
Tuesday: Run, Jump, Throw - our last session with Anita. Please bring sports shoes to change into. girls will need shorts.
Wednesday: Parent Council Fish and Chip tea - 5pm in the school grounds.
Friday: Room 5 will attend the 9am Mass. Please be at school before 8:45am so that the roll can be taken and then everyone can be seated in church before 9am. Thank you.
      : Mufti Day please bring an item of chocolate for the Parent Council Easter raffle.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Term 1 Week 7

WOW! Room 5 are AMAZING. hat a wonderful job they did of leading the school assembly this morning. I am very proud of them. Ka pai, Room 5, you are certainly 'Stepping Up for Success'.

James received the Special Character Award.

James, you are a kind and caring class member.
You show the virtues of our school and are a good role model.
Your positive attitude to all aspects of school life shows that you are 'Stepping Up for Success'.
We are blest to have you in Room 5 and Christ the King School.

Asher received a certificate.
Ka wani kei, Asher, we are proud of you.

Isabella, Neave, Ollie and cameraman Peter

James, Uriel, Ryan, Ephrem and cameraman Addie

Term 1 Week 7

Connie, Nicholas, Joe, Asher, Zach and cameraman Elspeth

Callum, Lachlan, Sophie, Bridie and cameraman Hamish

Maria, Ashleigh, Aysha, Alex, George and cameraman Elspeth

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Room 5 News

This morning Asher and Aysha were presented with their first Bronze Mathletics certificates. Congratulations and keep up the good work.

Last week the Fantail reading group presented a play, 'Landing a Job'. They have set a very high standard for plays this year.
Well done to Elspeth, Bridie, Isabella, Aysha, Addie and Nicholas

Remember our school assembly tomorrow (Friday 21 March) at 12md.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Term 1 Week 7 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Uriel.
Ka pai, Uriel, it's great to have you in Room 5.

Today we celebrated St Patrick's Day by wearing green. Everyone looked great. Thanks for the amazing effort you all went to to dress up. And a big thank you for your support for Caritas - over $370 was donated.

There was a competition for the best dressed, with Bridie and James being the two 
chosen from Room 5. Bridie was then named as the Best Dressed Junior. Ka pai!

Our top three Mathletes for Week 6 are: Bridie, Addie and Peter. The Mathlete of the Week is Joshua.

A reminder that on Friday Room 5 will be leading the school assembly - 12md in the school hall. Parents are welcome.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Term 1 Week 6 Certificate

At this week's assembly James was awarded a certificate.
Ka pai, James, we are proud of you.

Looking ahead to Week 7:
Monday: St Patrick's Day - children can wear green clothes. Please bring a gold coin for Caritas. 
The plan is to have our last Run, Jump, Throw session with Anita, depending on the weather. Please wear shoes and green clothes that you can jump in. If you don't want to wear green then wear your school uniform (and bring sports shoes and shorts). 
Tuesday: El Gregoe show
Friday: Room 5 will be leading the school assembly. Parents are welcome to attend - 12md in the school hall. The school disco will be at 5pm at St Teresa's Hall.

Friday, 14 March 2014


Congratulations to Joshua and James on receiving your first Bronze Mathletics certificate. keep up the great work boys.

Over the last couple of weeks Elspeth and Connie have been competing in their Athletic Club Championships. Congratulations on receiving so many ribbons for placing in the top three in your events.

James and Lachlan read 'Michael is a Clown'. Here they are making their photos into clowns. Come into the classroom to see the finished pictures.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014


Addie does Tae Kwon Do. Last week she had a grading assessment, in which she was successful. Yesterday she was given her yellow tip belt. Congratulations Addie.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Term 1 Week 6 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Isabella.
Ka pai, Isabella, it's great to have you in Room 5.

This morning we had lots to celebrate: 

Yesterday Hamish, Elspeth and Neave competed in the Weetbix Tryathalon. They each received a medal, as well as some other goodies, for their efforts. Well done!

Four more Bronze Mathletics certificates were presented. Well done to Ollie, Maria, Hamish and Isabella

The top three Mathletes for last week are: Bridie, Peter and George.
The Mathlete of the Week is Zach. Ka pai, everyone, keep up the good work.

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Important Notes for Week 6

There will be plenty of things happening this week - please note the following:
Monday 10 March: School photos - everyone must be in full summer uniform
Tuesday 11 March: Run, Jump, Throw - please bring sports shoes and (for girls) shorts
Wednesday 12 March - I am on a course so a reliever will be in Room 5
Friday 14 March - School Assembly will start at 11:45am 

I am looking forward to presenting more Bronze Mathletics Certificates tomorrow. Well done to everyone for your efforts this week. Together we have made the NZ Top 50 Classes board, coming in at number 24!

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Mathletics Stars

Thank you for your support with our school closure yesterday. It was good to see that so many of you used the opportunity to spend time on Mathletics. To achieve a certificate you have to get at least 1000 points in a week. Twelve people received their first Bronze certificate today.
Congratulations to: Callum, Peter, Bridie, Nicholas, Ryan, Joe, Addie, Ephrem, George, Neave, Lachlan and Zach.

George gained 8815 points and was 24th on the Top 100 NZ Students List for Wednesday.
Ka pai, George, you are our first Mathlete of the Week.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Mathletics Update

Today everyone received their Mathletics sign-in cards. We all had a turn logging in, creating our user profile and having a go at one of the exercises. A notice, which includes the log-in details, was sent home tonight. Please take some time with your child to look at the site and try out some activities. You can link to the Mathletics site by clicking on 'Maths Sites' at the top of this blog, then clicking on 'Mathletics'. I will be monitoring the children's progress as well as setting tasks for them to complete.
If you have any questions, please ask.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Term 1 Week 5 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Hamish.
Ka pai, Hamish, it's great to have you in Room 5.

During the weekend Elspeth and Connie competed in competitions for Athletics and Swimming respectively. Well done, girls, on 'Stepping Up for Success' in activities outside the classroom.

On Thursday we will be having a Fish and Chip tea at school. This will be a great opportunity to meet people who you may not know and to mix and mingle with old friends. This event is on rain or shine.