Friday, 28 November 2014

Term 4 Week 8

At today's school assembly four Room 5 people received certificates. Congratulations to:
Isabella, Addison and Joshua who all got 100% in their spelling test for the list of Commonly Misspelt Words. What great spellers you all are.

 Hamish was presented with his Gold Mathletics Certificate.
Ka pai, Hamish, what a super achievement.

Still on the Mathletics front: James received his first Silver Mathletics Certificate and Peter reached Number 4 on the NZ Top 100 Students board. Well done boys.

The Kiwi Reading Group presented 'Robin Hood and the Silver Trophy' as Readers Theatre. Readers Theatre requires the readers to use their voices to portray characters rather than relying on props. Everyone spoke clearly and used super expression.
Ka pai to Zach, Ashleigh, Joshua, Hamish and Callum.

Have a relaxing weekend - only 2.5 weeks left of the 2014 school year.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Reading Activity

Last week the Kakapo Reading Group read 'Kumera Treats' and today they made the kumera treats for us. A big thank you to Bridgette, Jason, Liz and Teresa for helping in the kitchen. The kumera chips were yummy!

Aysha, Elspeth, Addison, Isabella, Nicholas, Bridie, Ephrem, Joe, George and Peter
This afternoon we finished our Van Gogh Sumflowers. They are now on display in the classroom - come in and check them out. A big THANKS to Ms O for all her hard work teaching us art this year - you are amazing!

Remember our spelling test tomorrow.

Monday, 24 November 2014

Principal's Award

Congratulations to Sophie, who was given a Principal's Award for her story about our swimming week. Ka pai, Sophie, we are proud of you. (Sophie's story is on the previous post).

In Art we have been studying Van Gogh. come in and look at our drawings. On Wednesday we plan to finish our sunflowers.

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Term 4 Week 6 Birthday and Other News

Today Hamish turned 8. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished Hamish all the best for the coming year.

We have finished our week of swimming. We were all very tired by the time we got back to school on Friday. Everyone has learnt new things and improved in their swimming. A big THANK YOU to all those who were able to help us with getting changed after our lessons. I was very impressed with how organised everyone was and the speed with which they dressed. Connie was our champion, being one of the first three out each day, even when she wasn't first into the changing room. Ka pai everyone.

Here's a great recount of what swimming involved:

Yay, it's swimming week. On Monday my favourite part was wriggly worm. I like how you move side to side. On Tuesday my favourite part was doing dolphin diving because my feet are like a dolphin's tail. On Wednesday my favorite was back stroke. On Thursday my favourite was diving. On Friday my favourite was breast stroke because I like how you have to put your legs straight and then bend them and then put them out. All this swimming made me feel worn out but it was great fun. By Sophie

This afternoon we celebrated Christ the King Day. The liturgy was a time of reflection and thankfulness for our school and all it means for us. After a sausage sizzle lunch, kindly provided by the Parent Council, Room 5 and our Room 12 buddies walked to the Westburn Bike Park. We had a great time cycling and scootering around the roads with our big buddies directing traffic. Thanks big buddies, and Mrs A for the lolly scramble. On our return to school we each had an ice-block, thanks to the Board of Trustees. What a great way to celebrate out feast day. Thanks, too, to the parents who walked with us.


Asher and Ashleigh

Next week we will be back into some routine. We will be having production practices each day and will fit in more traditional learning around those times.
Monday: Library - please return your library book so you can take another one home.
Thursday: We will have a big spelling test (this is the day the children voted for). For most the focus will be on Lists 4, 5 and 6. If you need another copy of the Essential Spelling List please ask me.

Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Term 4 Week 6 Swimming

We have nearly finished our swim week. It has been pretty busy and tiring, but we have learnt lots and have also enjoyed getting into the pool. Here's a few of photos:

Sophie, Joe, James, Nicholas and Ollie


Tomorrow we celebrate Christ the King Day. Children are to wear their uniform. A liturgy will begin at 11:45am then each child will receive a sausage for lunch (thanks to the Parent Council). Room 5 will go to the Westburn Bike Park with their Room 12 buddies (and teachers!) for the afternoon. When we get back to school we will have an ice-block, thanks to the Board of Trustees. Remember to bring your bike or scooter and any safety gear.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Term 4 Week 6

This week Isabella was named 'Star of the Week'
Ka pai, Isabella, it's great to have you in Room 5.

Over the weekend two Room 5 people competed in different events.
Congratulations to Bridie, who won several trophies in a dancing competition in Oamaru, including 'Most Promising Dancer Under 12'.

Congratulations to Connie who received two ribbons at Saturday's Athletic Ribbon Meeting.

This week we are swimming at Wharenui Pool. Here's a couple of photos:

Joe and Ollie

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Term 4 Week 5 'Star of the Week'

Today two boys were named 'Star of the Week'. Congratulations to Ephrem and Joe
You are both super role models, especially at production practice times.
Ka pai, boys, it's great to have you in Room 5.

Next week: swimming. Please check the notice that was sent home on Monday for details.

Remember - no school tomorrow. Hope you all get a sleep-in and have a great weekend.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Mathletics Success

Hamish has worked hard on Mathletics and has gained a Gold Certificate. Ka pai, Hamish, what a fantastic achievement.

Peter has also been successful on Mathletics with a first placing on the NZ Top 100 Students board and 5th on the World board. Ka pai, Peter, keep up your good work.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Term 4 Week 5

A big thank you to everyone for supporting the fair. It was a fantastic day. I enjoyed watching some Room 5 people busk - what talent we have in our room. The book stall did very well with approximately $1700 spent on books. Thanks to Bridgette for organising Room 5 to do the books, and to Triona and Becky for spearheading the whole fair.

This morning Alex received his first Silver Mathletics certificate. Ka pai, Alex.

Lachlan was named 'Player of the Day' for his bowling at his cricket game on Saturday. Ka pai, Lachlan.

Homework: for the next two weeks spelling homework will be revision of the 7 Essential Spelling Lists and the Commonly Misspelt Words list. We will have our final big spelling test in Week 7.
Next Week: we will be swimming. A notice was sent home today. Please read it and return the slip if you are able to help. If you have any questions, please ask me.
Wednesday: we are having a Blue mufti day as it is Diabetes Awareness Week. Children are to wear as much blue as they can - there are prizes for the best dressed. There is no charge for this mufti day.

Production practices are progressing well. Please help your child to learn their parts - their words, who speaks before them and who speaks after them. A letter will be sent home soon informing you of costume requirements. Remember performance date: Monday 15 December.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Term 4 Week 4

At today's school assembly Elspeth received a certificate.
Ka pai, Elspeth, we are proud of you.

This week George and Alex received Homework certificates. Ka pai, boys, keep up the good work.

Remember the school fair on Sunday - 12md start. It will be a great day so don't miss it.

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Birthdays and Other News

Ollie and James have turned 8. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished them all the best for the coming year.

Bridie competed in an Otago dance competition and won two trophies. Ka pai, Bridie, we are proud of you.

We've had some recent Mathletics success with George making number 7 on the Top 100 NZ Students and number 35 on the Top 100 World Students. Peter has also made it to 99 on the Top 100 World Students. Keep up the good work.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Term 4 Week 4

Today Maria turned 8. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished Maria all the best for the coming year.

On Saturday Asher competed in the kids' triathalon at Hagley Park and was awarded a certificate. Ka pai, Asher, for competing in your first triathlon.