Welcome back to school. It was great to see everyone this morning and to have a catch up on how the holidays went. Three children had birthdays over the holidays. Today we sang 'Happy Birthday' to:
Ashleigh (7);
Sophie (7) and
Joshua (8). We wish you all the best for the coming year.
Mathletics Stars
Last week
Joe gained the first Room 5 Gold Mathletics certificate and
Isabella gained the second Gold Mathletics certificate. A big congratulations to Joe and Isabella. This is an amazing achievement as it involves working on Mathletics regularly and gaining at least 1000 points a week for 20 weeks.
During the holidays
Bridie attended two dancing competitions. She competed against girls several years older than her and received certificates, ribbons and medals at each competition. Ka pai, Bridie.
Important notes for this week:
Homework: Reading, Mathletics and Spelling. Spelling homework this week is to learn as many list words as possible as we will be having another big spelling test either at the end of this week or early next week. (If you need another copy of the Essential Lists, please ask me).
Friday: Room 5 will attend 9am Mass. Please be at school before 8:45am so we can complete the roll and be seated in church before mass starts.
Friday: The Year 3 children will be having hockey lessons on the next four Fridays (weather permitting). Please bring sports shoes and (girls) shorts to change into. The Year 2 children will join Room 6 during this time.
Looking at Term 3: This is a 10 week term.
Topic 1: Growing Plants - we will use the Inquiry Process to help us discover new things about plants and their importance in our lives. We will also attempt to grow some things. If you have spare egg cartons please send them to school.
Topic 2: The Commonwealth Games - we will follow this event over the next two weeks.
Music: the children will be learning the ukulele. The school has a class set so you will not have to purchase one of these.
Art: Monet study
We are all set for another busy term. Your support at home makes all the difference to the children's progress. If you have any questions or concerns, please come and see me.