Sunday, 20 April 2014

Happy Birthday and Happy Easter

Today George turns 7. On the last day of term we sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished George all the best as a 7 year old.

The term finished with the children participating in an Easter egg hunt with their Room 12 buddies. This was organised by one of our Room 12 buddies and the children really enjoyed it. Thanks Room 12. During this time four Room 11 boys, a couple of dads and I moved the furniture into our new room. It will be ready for us to start in on the first day of Term 2. It is a lovely space and we will quickly make it 'home'.

I finish this post by wishing you all a Happy and Holy Easter and safe, relaxing holidays.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Room 5 Stars

Look out Hollywood, here we come!
Thank you for coming in to watch us perform our plays. The children worked so hard to learn their lines and create their props and this afternoon it all came together. They were amazing and I am so proud of them. They have certainly set the bar very high so early in the year. Ka pai.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Term 1 Week 11 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Aysha.
Ka pai, Aysha, it's great to have you in Room 5.

The top three Mathletes for last week are: Hamish, Peter and George
Nicholas is the 'Mathlete of the Week'. 
Ka pai, boys, you are doing a great job on Mathletics.

After Saturday's game Peter was named 'Player of the day' for his rugby team. Well done.

Zach wrote this story after Constable Bryan's visit:
Yesterday Bryan and Bobby came to tell us about numbers like serial numbers and there is a competition. My favourite part was the music with the dog dancing. The music is funny with the dog dancing. I don't know how the dog talks. It's not Bobby so I don't know what it is making the dog talk like us. Bryan is the policeman and Bobby is the one holding the dog. He said something about money. He gave us a notice.

Friday, 11 April 2014

Term 1 Week 10

This morning Lachlan and Ollie received certificates at the school assembly. 
Ka pai, boys, we are proud of you.

Today Bridie turned 7. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished her all the best for the coming year.

Neave was presented with her first Silver Mathletics certificate. Ka pai, Neave, keep up the good work.

This morning Bridie, Isabella, Ashleigh and Aysha presented the play 'The Gingerbread Man' to the class. They had learnt all their lines, created good props and choreographed their moves, They were awesome! Well done, girls, you have set a high standard for the rest of us for Wednesday.

Looking ahead to Week 11:
No spelling homework - learn the list words for the big spelling test in Week 1 of next term.
Monday: Library - please bring your library book back and place on the library shelf before school.
Tuesday: Jesus Meal (see the note that was sent home yesterday for more details).
Wednesday: 2pm in the school hall - Room 5 presents ... 
Thursday: Last day of Term 1 (normal finish time) and our last day in our current classroom.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Mathletics Leader Board

Peter reached number 88 on the Mathletics NZ Top 100 Students Board. Ka pai, Peter, keep up your good work, and thanks to Peter's Mum for emailing this screen grab.

Yesterday I had some PD on setting Mathletics courses. I have now set some Basic Facts courses for everyone. These courses are designed to help you learn the Basic Facts and be able to recall them quickly. If you find the courses easy, set yourself a time challenge. Keep working on Mathletics and check out the link into Rainforest Maths - there's plenty of fun learning activities there.

You will have received an invitation to see our plays. These will be presented on Wednesday 16 April starting at 2pm, in the school hall. The children have been working hard on learning their lines and making props, so this will be a great performance.

A reminder to please return raffle books, money and any unsold tickets tomorrow. Thank you for your support with this fundraiser.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Last night Hamish was presented with a medal and two certificates at his gymnastics meeting. He showed us some of the exercises he has to do.Well done, Hamish, you are developing some great skills.

Today Constable Bryan and Bobby, his dog, visited school. They talked to us about the importance of recording the serial numbers of electronic/white ware/and/or portable household items to reduce theft. The children brought home information about SNAP - Serial Number Action Partnership - to help you do your part in stopping the trade in stolen property. The children enjoyed this talk and will be able to give you lots of information about what you can do.

Please return your raffle ticket money and photo money by Friday.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Silver Again

Congratulations to George for gaining your first Silver Mathletics certificate. Ka pai.

Remember to bring your named recorders tomorrow.
Money for photos and raffle tickets due in on Friday please.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Term 1 Week 10 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Peter.
Ka pai, Peter, it's great to have you in Room 5.

The top three Mathletes for last week are Joe, Peter and Addie.
Thirteen people gained a Mathletics certificate last week and Neave was named 'Mathlete of the Week'. Well done to everyone who gained a certificate - keep up the good work.

A couple of notices:
Orders for school photos must be in the office by Friday 11 April. If you wish to see the class photo it is on the board in Room 5.
After school - if your child wishes to play on the Junior playground after school, please ensure you are actively watching/supervising him/her as there is no duty cover after school. Thank you for your support with this.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Term 1 Week 9

At this morning's school assembly Joe was awarded a certificate.
Ka pai, Joe, we are proud of you.

Today we had a vote to decide when we will have our next big spelling test. The majority was for the first week back in Term 2. If you need another spelling list please let me know and I will print one for you. It has been good to see the progress the children have made with their spelling and to see them using their list words correctly in their writing. Thank you for your support with the daily spelling homework.

Keep up the good work with Mathletics and other maths sites linked through this blog. Also check out the spelling activities under the Spelling tab.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Yesterday was Rice Day and this morning we wrote thank you letters to the parents who cooked and served the rice for us. Two of the letters received a Principal's Award and were published in today's school newsletter. Congratulations to Asher and Addie.

Thank you for the rice you cooked for the Rice day for us. I really enjoyed it because I got a feeling of what it was like for the people who don't have very much food. Asher

Thank you parents for cooking and serving us the rice. It really helped me to realize how lucky we really are. Now I am going to start eating all my meals I get, even if I do not like it. When I started to eat the rice it felt very different, but it was ok. When I got home I felt very hungry. Addie

Bridie received her first Silver Mathletics certificate. Ka pai, Bridie.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

More Silver Certificates

Congratulations to Isabella, Nicholas and Joe on gaining a Sliver Mathletics certificate. What a great achievement.

I am very proud of the reverent way Room 5 behaved during the Stations of the Cross this morning. The school leaders presented a powerful and moving drama of Jesus' journey to Calvary. We have been thinking about what Jesus did for us and about how we should respond to this. A helpful site is: Stations of the Cross for Children. Click here to visit it. Following the Stations of the Cross liturgy we each had a bowl of rice for lunch. For some this was a challenge, and we are all grateful for the food we are able to enjoy every day. A special thank you to all the parents who cooked and served the rice for us.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Room 5 News

Today two people received their first Silver Mathletics certificates. Congratulations to Peter and Addie, you are Stepping Up for Success. It's great to see that so many are enjoying Mathletics. I am sure there'll be a few more Silver Certificate presentations soon.

This morning we had the last of our Run, Jump, Throw sessions with Anita. Today's focus was jumping. Check out our skills:



Hamish is the pole vaulting star - Anita was very impressed at his natural ability in this discipline. Check out Hamish's technique.

Tomorrow - Wednesday 2 April at 11:45am - Stations of the Cross in the Prayer Garden followed by Rice Day lunch. This is an opportunity for us to think about and to experience in a small way what it is like for those who only have a bowl of rice to eat each day. Please bring a named plastic bowl and spoon as well as a can of food for the St Vincent de Paul food bank. Children are asked to have a big breakfast and to forego morning tea.