At today's School Assembly Ashleigh was awarded a certificate.
Ka pai, Ashleigh, it's great to have you in Room 5.
As part of our Belonging topic we are looking at portraits. Portraits are one way of ensuring others know what we look like. We have drawn self-portraits (which are on display in our classroom). We are now learning to draw portraits of our classmates. Today we practised making light, feathery pencil marks on paper. Our next activity was to draw a picture of our own hand. The challenge was to look at our hand and not the paper. This is called Blind Contour Drawing. The next thing we drew was our pencil cases, again looking at the object and not the paper. Then we worked with a buddy to draw each other. The big challenge is to keep looking at our buddy and not the paper. We all did a great job persevering even though it was hard.
Here we are doing blind contour drawings of our hands.
Next week:
Thursday 6 March: Fish and Chip tea at school, beginning at 5pm. Bring your Fish and Chips and a blanket and enjoy a picnic tea with our CtK whanau.