Friday, 28 February 2014

Term 1 Week 4 Assembly Certificate

At today's School Assembly Ashleigh was awarded a certificate.
Ka pai, Ashleigh, it's great to have you in Room 5.

As part of our Belonging topic we are looking at portraits. Portraits are one way of ensuring others know what we look like. We have drawn self-portraits (which are on display in our classroom). We are now learning to draw portraits of our classmates. Today we practised making light, feathery pencil marks on paper. Our next activity was to draw a picture of our own hand. The challenge was to look at our hand and not the paper. This is called Blind Contour Drawing. The next thing we drew was our pencil cases, again looking at the object and not the paper. Then we worked with a buddy to draw each other. The big challenge is to keep looking at our buddy and not the paper. We all did a great job persevering even though it was hard.
Here we are doing blind contour drawings of our hands.



Next week:
Thursday 6 March: Fish and Chip tea at school, beginning at 5pm. Bring your Fish and Chips and a blanket and enjoy a picnic tea with our CtK whanau.

Thursday, 27 February 2014

A Birthday and Other News

Today Zach turned 7. We sang 'Happy Birthday' to Zach and wished him all the best as a 7 year old.

Elspeth, Connie and Nicholas competed at the University Athletic Club's championships last night. Congratulations on your successes.

Uriel's handwriting met the 'Triple Star' standard. Keep up the great work, Uriel.

Tomorrow's assembly will be at 9am in the school hall. 

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Player of the Day

Last night Lachlan played hockey. He was named 'Player of the Day' and has a special shirt to wear for the week. Well done, Lachlan.

Principal's Award

Yesterday Sophie read her story to Mr B. She did such a good job that Mr B gave her a Principal's Award. Ka pai, Sophie.

Joe's handwriting was 'Triple Star' quality so it is now on display.
Ka pai, Joe.

Anita visited again yesterday and taught us to throw a discus and a shot put. We had lots of fun.


Monday, 24 February 2014

Term 1 Week 4 'Star of the Week'

This week's 'Star of the Week' is Neave.
Ka pai, Neave, it's great to have you in Room 5

Notes for this week:
Tuesday (tomorrow): Run, Jump, Throw with Anita - please bring sports shoes and socks to change into. Girls will also need shorts.
Friday: School Assembly will be at 9am in the school hall.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Term 1 Week 3 Assembly Certificate

At today's School Assembly Sophie was awarded a certificate.
Ka pai, Sophie, it's great to have you in Room 5.

At lunch time Asher's Dad brought a special visitor to school. Eddie coaches the Black Sox - New Zealand's National Softball team. Thanks, Eddie, for coming in and doing some throwing and catching.
Eddie is pictured with Mr B, Asher and Lachlan. 

In Room 5 we enjoy writing. Here's a couple of photos showing what writing looks like in Room 5:


Sometimes we share our writing with others. Yesterday we shared in groups of four:

Zach, Ashleigh, Asher and Ephrem
Nicholas, James, George and Joshua

Dance Workshop

Here are some recounts about our Dance Workshop:

Yesterday Leah came in to teach us some dancing. My favourite bit was dancing the solo dance. We did the banana game. Leah was a good teacher. I would love Leah to be our school teacher. 
By Hamish

I like dancing with Leah. My favourite part was the banana dance.  With the banana dance I had to jump up with my hands in the air.
By Ashleigh

Yesterday I came to school. A teacher came. She was a dance teacher. One of the dances was to walk back. But my favourite was the car. I was the driver. It was cool. I drove the car around and around. The name of the new teacher was Leah. My buddy was Bridie.
By James

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

A Wednesday in Room 5

This morning we worked in pairs to write silly stories. We had to use the last letter of a sentence to start the next sentence. Here's some of our stories:

My mum ate a 100 scoop ice-cream. My dad turned blue when he ate a blue marshmallow, while Grandad took a photo. Our pet otter jumped on Dad because he thought Dad was water. Raining lollipops all over Dad. Dan, our brother, laughed and laughed at Dad. Dan ate a red marshmallow then turned red.
By Aysha and Addie

Today a princess came to school. Les is my Dad's name. Eating is my favourite thing to do. Oh, you are so pretty. Yes, I want ice-cream. My mum is silly. You look like a princess. Swimming is cool. Look at me, I look good. Dad saw a duck. Kites are kids. Some things are good looking.
By Bridie and Isabella

I live with my mum. My friend lives with me. Elephants are big. Giraffes' clothes are funny. Young babies are nosy. Young people can see. Elephants are fat. Tigers are strong.
By Joshua and Ephrem

This afternoon my daughter, Leah, took us for a dance workshop. We learnt that it is important to warm up our bodies so we don't get injured and then we warmed up. Next Leah taught us some simple dance steps, which we used to make up different dances. Leah said that we are very creative. The workshop was lots of fun. Thanks so much Leah, we hope you will come and teach us again soon.

Leah, Ollie and Nicholas making a tree
Elspeth and Neave making a circle

Joe, Alex, Callum and Ryan
making a square
Asher, Ephrem, Nicholas and Connie
making a square

Monday, 17 February 2014

Term 1 Week 3 'Star of the Week'

This morning our first 'Star of the Week' was announced. 
Congratulations to George. You are a star!
It's great to have you in Room 5. 

This morning we chose our own topic to write about. Here's some of our stories:

I went swimming. It was fun. I like to swim around and around. I went into a hot pool. It was a spa pool. By Callum

Yesterday I played in the sprinkler with my sister. We were wet a lot. It was fun. We also found a ball in the bush. We played with it. By Zach

My new house has stairs, a door and a top floor. It has twirly stairs too. By Ashleigh

Notes for Week 3:
Spelling homework went home tonight. The children went through the expectations and tomorrow we will check how we did. If you have any questions, please come in and ask.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Term 1 Week 2 Assembly Certificate

At today's School Assembly Elspeth was awarded a certificate.
Ka pai, Elspeth, it's great to have you in Room 5.

At Tuesday's Touch Rugby each member of one team was awarded a certificate. Congratulations to you all and thanks Alex and Neave for bringing your certificates in to show us.

Thank you to those who were able to make the Meet the Teacher evening last night, and also to those who apologised. Remember if you have any questions or concerns, or just want to share something, please don't hesitate to contact me through school or drop in for a chat. 

Today we had our big spelling test. I've yet to mark them but I want to say how well the children coped with this test. For most of them it is the first time they have done a test like this. Hopefully we will be ready to start into our spelling programme next week.

Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Birthday Wishes

Today Peter turned 7. We sang 'Happy Birthday' and wished Peter all the best for the coming year.

This lead nicely into our Statistics lesson as we found out which months Room 5 people had their birthdays. The photos show us gathering our data. We then graphed the data using a line graph. We found out that in March and August no-one in Room 5 has a birthday. Four people have birthdays in July, September and November.


We also learnt how to make comments on blog postings. Check out our comments by clicking on 'comments' at the end of each post. Ask your child to show you what to do, they are now experts!

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

'Player of the Day'

Last night several Room 5 people played Touch Rugby. I saw some amazing play and spectacular tries. Well done team!

Asher was awarded 'Player of the Day' for his team. Ka pai, Asher.

We have been writing about ourselves so that we can get to know each other. Today we drew a self portrait. Our portraits and information are now on the classroom wall - come in and check out our fantastic art work and learn something about us. Here's some of the portraits.

Nicholas and Isabella

Sophie and Joe
Thanks for the latest two comments. We do love to hear your thoughts on our work, so please leave a comment. Also check out the videos on the right - you'll find every Room 5 person there now.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Run, Jump, Throw

Today Anita from Canterbury Athletics came to do some running activities with us. First we had to run around with our arms in different positions. (Check out our airplanes!). We discovered that it is easiest to run if our arms are bent at the elbows. We did some relays over hurdles, then finished with a chasing game. We all enjoyed this morning's session. Our next session with Anita is in two weeks' time.

Elspeth hurdling
Lachlan running

Monday, 10 February 2014


Today Bridie showed us the certificate and medal she won for her Irish Fling dance she performed yesterday. Congratulations, Bridie.

A reminder for tomorrow - bring sports shoes to change into and girls will need shorts - for the first of our Run, Jump, Throw sessions.

Forward notice: Friday's school assembly will be at 10am as the Middle and Senior students have their swimming sports starting at 12MD. Parents are welcome to attend this assembly in our hall.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Term 1 Week 1 Assembly Certificate

Today we had our first school assembly - in our school hall. For the Room 5 children this is the first school assembly they have attended in our school hall. It was great to be able to start the new school year back in our own space.

Joshua received the first Room 5 certificate of the year.
Ka pai, Joshua and welcome to Christ the King School.

I have had a great first week with the amazing Room 5 children. They have been wonderful at listening and learning the routines of a new classroom. We are in for a great year of fun and learning. 

Looking ahead to Week 2:
Monday: Reading programme starts; we will visit the school library and read with our Room 12 big buddies
Tuesday: Anita from Canterbury Athletics will lead the first of three Run, Jump, Throw sessions. Everyone will need to bring sports shoes to change into at school, and the girls will need to wear shorts under their dresses, which they will take off to participate in the sessions.
Thursday: 7-7:20pm or 7:30-7:50pm Meet the Teacher in Room 5. I will explain the class routines and expectations, how you can help your child's learning and answer any questions you may have. 
Friday: Spelling Test - the children will be tested on Lists 1-5 (they were given these today). Our spelling programme will then start in Week 3. 12md School Assembly in the school hall.

Enjoy your weekend. See you all on Monday.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Term 1 Week 1

What a fantastic start we've had to our school year. I am very impressed with the way the children have settled into the Room 5 routines - they are very good at listening to instructions and following them. I know we are going to have a great year.
Thank you for your support with stationery. I know it hasn't been so easy this year, but I do appreciate the effort you have gone to to ensure your child has the correct books. A special thank you for returning the forms that were sent home yesterday.

We like to celebrate all children's successes, whether it be inside the
classroom or in extra-curricula activities.

Yesterday Peter was named 'Player of the day' for his touch team.
Ka pai, Peter, you played a great game.

We are learning the Room 5 Handwriting routines. Everyone has been trying very hard to complete their work to 'Triple Star' standard. Today's star handwriters are Uriel and Ephrem. Their work is on display in the classroom.

Remember tomorrow is a public holiday, so you can have a sleep in. On Friday we have a school assembly at 12md. This will be in our school hall and you are welcome to come along.
Please also put Thursday 13 February in your diary. This is our 'Meet the Teacher' evening (7-7:20pm and 7:30-7:50pm in Room 5). I will be talking about how things run in Room 5 and will be able to answer any questions you may have. I have enjoyed meeting many of you this week, thanks for taking the time to pop in and say 'hi'.